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​AAS Interior Design Parsons The New School for Design, New York, 2011​

BA Interior Design Duoc UC in Santiago, Chile, 2007​​

BA Advertising and Social Communication Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, 2002​


I'm a Chilean designer. My focus is in interiors, but I also have a background in advertising that allows me to take a graphical perspective and work in several aspects of the design process. I’ve worked and interned in high-end residential and commercial interior design firms in Sydney, San Francisco, and New York.  My objective is to create a final product that is interesting, beautiful and functional. I do not feel constrained to either modern or classical styles. Instead I try to combine elements to express a unique personality that reflects the needs of my clients. I am attracted to patterns and textiles, particularly native designs. I am sometimes inspired by the smallest and most trifle objects. I currently live in Brooklyn.


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